The procedure in the assessment and provision of a cost effective mobility solution typically includes the following key stages:
1 Home assessment
To establish the needs of the client, their family and carers this involves and introduction to PMS and our role in the process. We then conduct a detailed appraisal of the requirements of the client and family/carers including vehicular ergonomics, linked activity and all relevant environmental issues such as parking facilities, road access and transfer considerations.
2 Recommendation
We prepare detailed report and project plan with costings and caveats including manufacturer/supplier evaluations and recommendations highlighting any significant issues or considerations in the operation and supply of the proposed solutions.
3 Production and delivery
Once we have a agreed a solution we take full responsibility for the following:
Project management independent of, or within case management procedure, as appropriate
Vehicle selection, location, adaptation and supply (at 0% rate VAT where applicable)
Full reporting procedure – client, lawyer and case manager
Vehicle insurance. Warranty extension and part exchange options
Follow up visits
Post delivery service
PMS Service Care – a comprehensive maintenance and repair support service
Insurance - specially adapted vehicles often need specially adapted insurance
Advice and Information Hotline - The PMS Hotline service is there to help with a wide range of FAQs from getting back to driving to obtaining a blue badge and 'Certificate of Entitlement' information.